Bespoke Memorial and Commemorative portrait relief sculptures.
In bronze resin, stone effect and marble effect resins.

John Lennon Peace Statue

Rememberance Day Tribute

Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother

John Lennon Peace Statue maquette LTD edition of 9 Liverpool version & NYC versions

Bronze portrait of Sikh Bust

John Lennon Oil Painting

George Best Bronze Figurine Sculpture

Portrait of the band The Eagles

Bronze portrait sculpture of Keith and Butch.

Memorial plaque in bronze of ‘Sonal’

John Lennon Bronze Portrait Peace Statue

David Bowie Bronze Portrait Sculpture

‘Unknown Soldier’ Bronze Relief Sculpture Plaque

Brian Epstein Portrait painting in Oil

Bronze portrait sculpture of ‘Katie’

Bronze plaque sculpture commemorating Lifeboat Men.

Kumait’ Life-size Bronze portrait sculpture