This project is not sanctioned by or connected in any way with the Estate of John Lennon.
This is an independent project by Laura Lian
I was inspired to create the John Lennon Peace Statue project to help spread John and Yoko’s message of peace and love to the world “we’ve been living in the dark ages of warring too long , it’s time now to live in the light age” as I am sure John would agree.
The statue is now temporarily installed at Penny Lane/Liverpool too early 2024.

My aim is to produce two statues, the first one which will tour the UK and Europe, and a second which will tour the USA and Canada. Each of the statues will have different clothing to distinguish between them.
The final sculptures will show John leaning against a peace sign showing some of the lyrics from his song Imagine, along with the phrases “All you need is Love” and “Give Peace a chance”. The picture here show the maquette prototype for the statues
UK statue will have specs and plain tee-shirt
For the tour we have a place to show it in front of the CND tent at Glastonbury festival 2019.
In response to this, Kate Hudson from CND commented:
“CND is delighted that this magnificent statue of John Lennon with the CND peace sign will be joining us at Glastonbury in 2019. It is a beautiful piece of art that will help us in our campaign to promote a more peaceful world. Musicians and artists have a long tradition of supporting CND’s aims and this is only the latest example of culture and campaigning coming together to call for a world without nuclear weapons.”