Bronze life-sized Statue of John Lennon leaning on Peace Sign with the word ‘Imagine’

I made this statue to inspire the new generation and to re-ignite John & Yoko’s Peace mission.


Glastonbury Festival 2018

St. George’s Hall/Liverpool 2018

Hard Rock Hotel/London Oct. 2018- March 2019

Penny lane Development Trust 2020

ARTZUID Exhibition/Amsterdam May 15th – September 15th 2021.

Now in front of St. Barnabos Church, Penny Lane Liverpool, for 6 months.

Statue is for sale and needs funding for a permanent Site.

John Lennon Peace Status

At Penny Lane Liverpool August 2022- to date

Penny Lane Development Trust 2021

St. George’s Hall/Liverpool Aug- September2019

Glastonbury festival 2019/Somerset

Hard Rock Hotel/London 2021

Art Zuid exhibition 2021. Hilton/Amsterdam, Holland.
Maquette (15″) design for New York City statue.

Bronze Ltd edition of 9 –

Website hosted by Hightrees Organisation Limited