Metal Relief Sculpture, Royal Glamorgan Hospital

Metal relief sculpture at the Royal Glamorgan Hospital (Reception Area)

Llantrisant, Wales

Size: 11 metres x 6.9 metres around a convex dome wall.

This was a hospital arts competition I won through the arts organization ‘Cywaith Cymru’. I researched the local area for natural wild life and used this for the them. I wanted the overall feel of the work to bring a feeling of nature and peace to the reception area for patients and loved ones in stress.

I feel that art in hospitals is important for the healing process. I made a maquette/model of the design to near exacting positions etc. of the wall. I worked with the metal cutters to get the shapes right and contracted the fitting to a company in Wales. It all went smoothly and to budget and on the required time of fitting.

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